Friday, January 23, 2015

Time for Another Post

Well, yeah, it's been about a year so it's time for another post. In my last post I asked, "What do you do with a degree in visual design when you are already over 50, impaired vision, and no experience?" I answered my question with, "Nothing, that's what!" I might have been a little too quick to answer. I guess I was just feeling frustrated. When I am in my better moods I have a different answer which is usually something like:

Having some knowledge about design helps me to understand art and, well, just about everything around me that is visual. It helps me understand how I see things. What can a person do with that? Lots! Understanding the elements of art and the principles of design gives me greater creative freedom to express myself and greater understanding of other people's creative expressions. So maybe I'm not making a lot of money but I'm having more fun. That should count for something. My life has more meaning and purpose and that is always a good thing. I have a solid foundation for learning more about making art and I do love making art.

So now that I have made my yearly post I can go back to making art and, who knows, maybe if I can find my way back here again I just might post some of my work. But right now I have to walk the dog.

See you next year!

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